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Slipknot Empty Slipknot

Post by Morphine Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:46 pm

Ok.. sa zicem ca arata mai bine decat Lordi.. mie imi palc.. au niste piese superbe cum ar fi: Snuff, Duality, Before I forget, Til' we die sau everything ends. Cred ca merita ascltati.. =D Chiar daca nu cred ca e stilu marii majoritati de aici Razz

Number of posts : 329
Age : 28
Location : Cluj-Napoca
Registration date : 2009-05-04

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Slipknot Empty Slipknot

Post by Morphine Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:55 pm

Ce zici de tobosar? Joey e pt mine un zeu Smile:X

Number of posts : 329
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Location : Cluj-Napoca
Registration date : 2009-05-04

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Slipknot Empty Re: Slipknot

Post by Suomi_Rocks Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:47 pm

Si fratele meu are un tricou cu Slipknot, dar nu a ajuns chiar pana la lenjerie. (cel putin inca) Laughing
Mie de la Slipknot imi plac decat doua melodii (nu ca as fi ascultat eu cine stie cate..): Vermillion (I,II) si Sulfur. Smile
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Registration date : 2009-03-03

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Slipknot Empty Slipkont

Post by Morphine Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:56 am

Yeay.. si mie imi palce + Eu am sosete cu Slipknot Smile) Cu logo-u ma rog Razz

Number of posts : 329
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Location : Cluj-Napoca
Registration date : 2009-05-04

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Slipknot Empty Re: Slipknot

Post by Suomi_Rocks Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:28 pm

Morphine wrote: si.. Tarja ii asculta?
Da, a zis odata intr-un interviu ca asculta Slipknot. boogie
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Number of posts : 1827
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Registration date : 2009-03-03

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Slipknot Empty Re: Slipknot

Post by victor_uzum Tue May 25, 2010 10:34 am

Basistul trupei trupei heavy metal Slipknot a fost găsit mort luni, într-un hotel din oraşul Des Moines din statul american Iowa, informează Reuters. Paul Gray avea 38 de ani şi era cofondatorul trupei Slipknot.

Autorităţile americane nu au elucidat până în prezent circumstanţele morţii artistului, însă purtătorul de cuvânt al poliţiei locale a declarat că nu există dovezi care să indice comiterea unei crime. Mai multe informaţii vor fi făcute publice după autopsia care va avea loc marţi.

Slipknot este una dintre cele mai renumite trupe ale genului heavy metal. Trupa a ajuns în fruntea clasamentelor muzicale din Statele Unite, Australia, Austria, Canada, Finlanda, Noua Zeelandă, Suedia şi Elveţia cu cel mai recent album al său, intitulat "All Hope Is Gone". În 2004, trupa Slipknot a primit premiul Grammy pentru piesa "Before I Forget".

Trupa Slipknot este cunoscută şi pentru apariţiile sale scenice neobişnuite care au ca sursă de inspiraţie trupa Kiss. Fiecare membru al grupului poartă în public o mască şi o salopetă, fiind identificat cu ajutorul unui număr. Paul Gray purta numărul 2.

Tarja You'll NEVER Walk Alone!...
Calling Grace

Number of posts : 913
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Registration date : 2008-12-08

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Slipknot Empty Re: Slipknot

Post by SnakeCris Tue May 25, 2010 12:43 pm

Rock in peace!
Minor Heaven

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Slipknot Empty Re: Slipknot

Post by victor_uzum Thu May 27, 2010 3:12 pm

Paul Gray 1972 - 2010
An obituary for the Slipknot bassist who recently passed away in Des Moines

The only ‘good’ – or least worst, I suppose – thing about the ghastly news of Paul Gray’s death breaking last night was the simplicity of it all. Rumours started appearing on Twitter, people did some Googling and found a few local Des Moines news outlets, the chatter continued. Unlike the unsavoury outbreaks around Ronnie James Dio’s death, whereby the internet seemed to have a collective fit in the desire to be first to dance on his grave, Gray’s untimely death was met humanely, with sadness rather than the perverse glee of perpetuating unsubstantiated and hurtful stories.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of Slipknot, whether or not you even like the music. When they screamed out of Iowa at the end of the last decade they seemed like the apocryphal Y2K virus made flesh, an eighteen-legged force of malevolence hell-bent on fucking shit up in the worst way possible. The plainness of their ideas – no faces, no identities, no personalities: just boiling rage – was accentuated by the ferocity of the execution. I was 16 in 1999 when their debut ‘Slipknot’ came out, living in a suburban town just outside London with no real music scene and a dial-up internet connection that meant I had to wait two and a half hours to download anything from Napster, but that angry little record was a window into an entirely different world. They mattered in a way I didn’t really comprehend – I remember spending hours explaining to cynical friends that if they kept the masks on, if they kept the bile and kept on kicking the mainstream, they could be as important as any band could hope to be. Whether they managed it is debatable, but as the first band to score a UK Number One album (with ‘Iowa’) by playing blastbeats, it’s fair to say they opened the door for non-commercial music to become commercial in a fashion no one predicted.

So what has Slipknot’s legacy and impact got to do with the fact Paul Gray died in a hotel room in Iowa? Everything. He was one of only three founder members still playing in the band, and whatever personal issues he might have had that will no doubt come to light in the next few days are, quite frankly, personal. Everyone is fucked up. But not all of us start a band like Slipknot. He was never the voice (Corey), the face (Shawn), the technical monster (Mick), the pin-up (Joey), the mentalist (Sid), the silent weirdo (Craig), the affable one (Jim) or the one with the dick nose (Chris), but he was there from the beginning. Go back and watch the ‘Wait And Bleed’ video, for most of us the first time we ever saw those mad bastards – he’s hardly in it. Sid’s jumping around everywhere and Corey’s shaking those dreadlocks while Shawn tries to pick a fight with the stage itself, but there’s barely any Paul. Mainstream media attention only focused on him when his life started unravelling, but the massive outpouring of grief that has overtaken the internet since last night shows the real fans, the ones who understand on an intense level just what sort of band they are, know Paul Gray was as much a part of Slipknot as the very masks they wore. Now he’s gone. No one knows what Slipknot will do from here on in, and nor should we bother speculating.

The most touching tribute we’ve seen so far is on Slipknot’s website, which is just a single shot of Paul onstage. You search for Slipknot and you get Paul, because Slipknot was Paul and Paul was Slipknot.

Tarja You'll NEVER Walk Alone!...
Calling Grace

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Location : Bucharest
Registration date : 2008-12-08

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